The key to healthy, tasty food that you’ll always enjoy

an all-in-one Table


food pairing table

How can we understand this table?



Juicy fruit and sweet dried fruit

Fruit is divided into 2 categories.
Why is this?

The juicier they are, the less water the body needs to digest them.

So, if you want to eat several fruits, start with the juicy ones, then continue with the less juicy ones. The former provide water to facilitate digestion of the latter.


All fruits combine perfectly with each other

It is possible, if you like, to make fruit meals.

You’ll find, however, that there’s no connection with the other food categories.

This is because fruit should not be mixed with other food categories.

The 2 exceptions are apples and pineapples, whose enzymes do not interfere with the digestion of other foods.

So, if you feel like it, you can add apple or pineapple to your vegetable dishes.

Dried fruits and Oilseeds


This category can only be combined with vegetables, or possibly with apple and pineapple.

This category is included in the protein category because it provides protein if you add any of these ingredients to your meal.


You’ll find that avocados are a special ‘case’.

It can be combined with everything, except fruit (except apples and pineapples)..

Lipids (or fats)

They can be combined with either vegetables or starches.

For better digestibility, it would be ideal not to cook your meat or fish with fat (see protein category).


The term ‘oil’ here refers to industrial, non-cold-pressed oils.

The same does not apply to ‘1st cold-pressed’ oils, which are considered to be oleaginous nuts.



Choose your oil according to its virtues.

A little research on the Internet will help you discover their respective benefits … and of course, your palate will guide you šŸ™‚


Instead of cooking your food in oil, use other cooking methods and drizzle some oil on top at the end of cooking, just before serving.



All the foods described in this category are protein sources.

Note the arrow on the left, which indicates that the further down you go in this category, the less healthy the foods become. In fact, we’ve seen that in the diet we should be adopting, animal proteins hold very little place (SEE article: Our digestive system is similar to that of the great ape – not currently available).

Your dietary approach shows that you’re aware of this, and that’s great! because animals currently raised for human consumption are becoming increasingly ill.

So it really is a wise move.

As a result, you consume more legumes and dried oleaginous fruits, which will also provide you with the antioxidants so precious to our health.

These two categories of foods all need to be soaked for better digestibility.

It’s true, this operation considerably increases meal preparation time, as you generally have to prepare your meals the day before and eat them the day after.

But it’s essential, because soaking allows these foods to germinate quickly, transforming their internal properties. As soon as the sprout appears, the food is chemically transformed, and changes from an oilseed or legume to a vegetable.

So you can now combine it in the table as if it were in the ‘Vegetable’ category, with the added nutritional bonuses!


If you need to make choices for other people,
you may need the following elements of precision


If you have to make a choice, choose fish over meat.

In fish

Prefer deep-sea fish. Avoid farmed fish.

Between seafood – which is the filter of the sea – and fish, choose fish.

And finally, among fish, the ones that contain the fewest toxins, including heavy metals, are small fish:

sardines – mackerel – herring – small trout, …


In meats

Choose ‘human-sized’ meats. Meaning?

If we refer to the article quoted above, if we want to eat meat, we should be able to hunt – i.e. kill with our hands – the animal we are eating. These are the meats our digestive system is capable of handling.

This obviously excludes beef, pork and all those meats derived from animals that are far too big and fat to be slaughtered naturally (let’s just put that in context!).

What’s more, biological observation of these meats indicates that they are far more toxic – full of toxins – than those from chicken, duck, … which we obviously choose to raise totally free-range and feed naturally (non-GMO, etc…).




  • Try steaming

Since it’s advisable to avoid cooking your protein foods in oil, try other types of cooking.

You’ll be amazed at how soft the meat becomes.

  • Or a la plancha …

You’ll have a lot of fun playing with spices.





To help digest animal foods, AROMATES will be very useful, thanks to their enzymes.

Use a handful per person with your meal.

Aromatics are :

Garlic, onions (white, pink, red, yellow, bell, stem, etc.), shallots, chives, parsley, coriander, watercress, chives, chervil, mint, sage, dill, rosemary, thyme, oregano, ….

Aromatics are not :

pepper, chilli, ginger, horseradish, wasabi, …

Admittedly, these herbs add flavor and can be interesting if used sparingly, but they can irritate the digestive mucosa.

Starchy foods

They generally make up a large part of our diet.

They are carbohydrates, i.e. sugars.

Starchy foods – tubers – are the easiest to digest.

Starchy foods – cereals and breads – are the result of processing raw materials (wheat, corn, etc.).

Transformation is foreign to the body’s natural processes and to nature in general.

Still taking the biological reference (see Our digestive system is similar to that of the great ape), these foods are not suitable for good digestion. Nevertheless, we are used to these foods, often from our mother’s womb. They are therefore references for us, and sometimes correspond to our emotional needs.

So let’s take care not to eliminate them all at once, but in a reasonable ‘step by step’ fashion. And for some people, it may even be useful not to remove them completely from their diet, as the destabilization would be too great.

However, let’s not be too easy on ourselves. Depending on certain biological disorders (not to say illnesses), it is sometimes indispensable, absolutely necessary, to completely withdraw these foods for at least several months.

However, whatever decision is taken, it is recommended that the daily quantity of such foods should not exceed 25 to 30% (see the VEGETABLES tab).




  • For better digestion, we recommend toasting bread to give it the appearance of a rusk.


  • Glutinous rice is less digestible than Thai or basmati rice. Washing rice before cooking until the water runs clear removes some of the starch. It is preferable to pasta and bread.


  • Potatoes, sweet potatoes, manioc, plantains, Jerusalem artichokes, etc. are tubers containing varying degrees of starch. Within each of these plants, there are various varieties with varying degrees of starch content.



All the vegetables you can eat!

Make the most of it!

It’s important to buy good-quality, nutritious vegetables.

So, just by eating your vegetables, you’ll feel like you’ve eaten – almost – enough.


But where can you find such vegetables?

The best are those in your own garden, provided you don’t use chemical fertilizers or treat your soil with chemicals.

If not, try to find a market gardener or farmer who grows without chemicals. Reasonedā€ or ā€˜permacultureā€™ farming methods generally produce very good vegetables.

If you don’t have access to vegetables from the garden or a farmer of this type, look for a place where you’ll find so-called ‘organic’ vegetables.

Beware of organic vegetables that all look good and are almost the same size. This denotes a calibration of the vegetables, and very often these kinds of farms are over-industrialized and therefore don’t pay the attention to the vegetables that we’re looking for.



As we have seen, vegetables and fruit should make up between 70% and 90% of our daily diet.

If you don’t like a vegetable prepared in a certain way, don’t assume that you’ll never be able to eat it.

Sometimes all you have to do is scour the recipes available on the Internet to find good preparation ideas and completely rediscover the taste of that vegetable.

What’s more, unless you really don’t want to (which is rare), don’t hesitate to try raw vegetables.



Parsley, spring onion, thyme, garlic, tarragon, sage, chives, onions (red, yellow, white…), dill, coriander, mint, rosemary, …

Herbs are part of the vegetable family.

They can be eaten as much as you like. It all depends on personal taste.

Nevertheless, learn to use them regularly in your meals, as they will sometimes enable you to enjoy certain vegetables you weren’t used to.

Try to use a full handful per person per day.



The more health problems you have, the further you can go in the beneficial combination of foods.

As indicated at the bottom of this table, you can go as far as combining just one food from the categories that can be combined, with the exception of vegetables.

What’s in it for you?

Your body will be able to direct some of its energy elsewhere.

Not all its energy will be focused on your digestion.

The fewer foods you combine, the better your digestion.

Let’s take an example:

You like chili con carne ?

It’s made with foods classified as proteins.

If you used to eat it with rice, you’ll certainly be eating it with cooked vegetables, or simply veggies and raw vegetables now.

Nevertheless, if you want to lighten your digestion even further, it would be better to eat one of the chilli ingredients on its own in sufficient quantities to satisfy you – kidney beans, for example – along with vegetables.

When you make a change, test it over a sufficiently long period (3 weeks, for example) so that you can see the full difference.



Two ways to lighten your digestion even more:

– Increase your daily fruit and vegetable intake to 90%.

– Reduce the variety of fruit and vegetables at each meal. In other words?


Instead of eating a green salad made up of several vegetables (lettuce leaves, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, onion, etc.), eat only your green salad and a carrot salad, but in sufficient quantity to fill you up.

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Tableau d'association des aliments pour une digestion optimale

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