Obvious ? !


No, not that much…
Yet everything is simple!
In a few sentences, we are going to try to unravel … in all logic … the fundamental that is ‘food’ in our existence.

To begin with, is it complicated to understand what is appropriate for us, as humans, in terms of food?

In the absolute, no. In reality, yes.

The variety of food according to the best and the people is such that it is enough to make you get lost!

Then there are all sorts of theories, diets and personal ideas about food, all of which come from different sources – scientific or experimental – with the aim of guiding us towards the best.

So… how do you find your way around?

Some questions … some answers …

What kind of food is good for our body ?


Have you had the opportunity to visit a zoo? Or do you have a pet?

You have certainly noticed that animals develop pathologies over the years and often die.
Conversely, these same animals, left in their natural environment, die of a beautiful old age if their predator or man does not interfere.

For what reason?

In captivity or in our homes, the animal depends on humans to feed it. In its natural environment, it is the animal that chooses the food that suits it best.

How do we determine in biology the ideal food for a living being?
By observation.
So, for the living being that we are, what is the ideal food?
The observation of our digestive system as a whole indicates that we are vegetarians with a fruit orientation. We will see later what this means.

In fact, according to the observation, our digestive system is 99% identical to that of the great ape.
So, if we follow the logic of biological observation, it would be essential to research in detail what this type of living being eats since in the wild it lives in full health.

Let’s look at the type of food that is really beneficial for our body.

Who are we really feeding when we eat ?


When we put food in our mouths, immediately, a digestion process starts.
Let’s take the example of a piece of apple.
It will first be chewed by our teeth and mixed with our saliva.
Then the resulting mush is quickly mixed with our gastric juices and quickly reaches our intestine, which is responsible for cutting up the elements that have not yet been cut up with the help of specific enzymes.
Thus, from what remains of our piece of apple, the nutritive elements will be extracted and reduced in microscopic particles thanks to a chemical process.
These will pass into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall to reach the cells.
Once they reach the cell membrane, they are transported inside the cell to provide this extraordinary machinery that is the cell with all the nutrients necessary for its life and functioning.
So, in the end, who are we really feeding when we eat?
It is our cells, isn’t it?

Can everyone really eat what they want ?


For many people, eating means eliminating the feeling of hunger.
Therefore, the main thing is to swallow food that feels good to the palate and gives the feeling of being full.

However … as we have seen, not everything we call food is good for our body.
Moreover, when we eat, it is actually essential to think that it is our cells that we are feeding. Therefore, they will not be able to fulfill their role fully or sufficiently to keep us with the energy we need to live healthy.
The industrialization of food has brought us a long way from the meals our ancestors ate.

Foods that have been chemically transformed and denatured by all kinds of cooking and processing can no longer fulfill their role.
Yes, they simply do not contain the elements essential to the life of the cells they are supposed to nourish.

It is therefore possible, yes, to eat what we want. However, this does not mean that we will find in the food we eat what will allow our body to function properly.

So what should we eat to ensure that our cells are nourished?
Let’s see first if eating well means ‘goodbye’ to good things that are pleasant to the palate?

Does this mean 'Goodbye treats!' ?


Honestly… the foods you like and are afraid to deprive yourself of by eating better, what are they?
Please list them…
Now, what do you have on this list? Sweets? Pastries? Soda? Pastries? Meat? Fish? Vegetables? Pasta or other starchy foods?

Many of these foods have more natural and equally tasty counterparts. Most of the ones that make you addicted (so good! 😜) will be replaced by quality foods prepared with love.

You don’t change your diet overnight – or completely – just by realizing you’re not giving your body the nutrients it needs.
It takes time. It is essential to deeply integrate the reasons why we want to change and to give ourselves the means to do so.

Eating is the first reflex of a healthy newborn. Immediately after birth, it is his first concern. Thanks to this act, he manages the trauma experienced by, in most cases, a completely anti-physiological birth.
He therefore immediately takes refuge in food.

This reflex of wanting to eat – to suckle – immediately is not bad in itself. It is natural.
It is the context in which it takes place that gives the future adult the cue that ‘after the ordeal, there is food as comfort’.
Almost all of us have experienced this. That’s why almost all of us have the same reflex: I’m not well. I run around in circles until I eat, or sometimes I even go straight to food to fill my discomfort.

It would therefore be completely inappropriate to force our body to say ‘Goodbye’ to what makes it feel good and gives it pleasure. Life is complicated enough, isn’t it?

That’s why you will find on this page a few recipes selected among hundreds or even thousands (the Internet is full of them!) that will thrill your taste buds and allow you to enjoy healthy foods.

So ….
…. What should we eat and how?

What should we eat and how ?

It’s a bit confusing in your mind, isn’t it?

We’ve seen that we need to nourish our cells, but that the food we’re used to, often from an early age, isn’t what nourishes them.

So, how do we find out?

Well, if you want to determine the diet of a living being, the most common method is to examine a dead individual and observe its digestive system.

There are 3 main types of digestive system:

– carnivores

– granivores

– frugivores

What about our digestive system?

We have a frugivorous digestive system.

If we dissect the abdomen of a human and that of a great ape, and put them side by side, we find no difference in the nature of the organs.

How can this tell us what to eat?

See our insert “Our digestive system is similar to that of the great ape”.



Our digestive system is similar to that of the great ape

What does he eat?

Research by primatologists has shown that most apes are vegetarian, or if they are omnivorous (eat either plants or animals), they are predominantly vegetarian.

This means they eat mainly fruit, high-fiber plants and occasionally insects or even meat they have hunted themselves.

Given the energy and health of these animals that resemble us, humans should,

to maintain good health, try to eat a diet as close to your own as possible.

Not all of us have an abundance and variety of fresh fruit and vegetables from which to draw our daily meals.

Nor are we used to eating insects.

And most of us get our meat from the store without having to hunt or even kill the animal…


To reproduce the digestive pattern that suits our body, we need to :

1 – Consume a large majority of plant foods (fruit and vegetables of all kinds).

2 – From time to time, have an intake of animal proteins

Will I run out of protein?

Que nenni!
This great myth, established over 100 years ago, has no basis in fact.

Take a look at the article “No meat. Protein deficiency guaranteed?”

But still …

What do I do?

Our menu for the day should consist of between 70 and 90% of a variety of plants (2/3 fruit if possible).

Naturally, all these plants should be organically grown, and bought and eaten as fresh as possible. What’s more, the best way to eat them is, logically, RAW.

But still …

Ideally …
Food will be organically grown, bought and eaten as fresh as possible and
…. RAW.

Some will add that these foods must also come from local agriculture and correspond to the season.

We agree!

However, some people cannot meet all these conditions and this would discourage them. Let’s act step by step. And always according to what is possible.

It is better to start the change even if everything is not perfect rather than to do nothing because we cannot do it perfectly.


Choose the category that most closely matches your situation below
– If you’re not sure, you may be able to use ideas from several categories.

Most of my meals are not prepared by myself
Fast-food – Café – Restaurant –
Caterer – Takeaway…

I prepare most
the majority of my meals

I have a diet oriented
or strictly vegetarian or Vegan